Creating E-learning with Bloom’s Taxonomy: The Intercultural Trainers’ Edition

Thank you Teratai for leading our insightful conversation on, “”Creating E-learning with Bloom’s Taxonomy: The Intercultural Trainers’ Edition”. Be sure to check this chat’s resources folder where you will find a resource list, a sample training outline, the Google Doc links from the breakout rooms, and the chat’s Power Point and recording. Share any follow-up ideas you had and if you made any further progress on those ideas.

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About us

The work of understanding others and helping others understand us is our mission. 

We design and deliver specialized cross-cultural training workshops, train and consult to professionals in the field, conduct research on the process of intercultural transition, produce publications to assist newcomers to the US.

The Interchange Institute is a not-for-profit research organization established in 1997 by Dr. Anne P. Copeland. The work of smoothing intercultural transitions has never been so critical.

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