Intercultural Love: The Perks and Pitfalls

A special thanks to Dr. Leslie Powell Ahmadi for sharing her knowledge and personal experience. If you’d like to follow Leslie’s authoring journey re: her memoir (Road Between Two Hearts: A Black American Bride Discovers Iran), here is the link from her author’s website to sign up for book updates and related information. Once you sign up, you’ll be able to download two sample chapters.  

A collation of the ideas shared in the chat box, a recording of today’s Culture Chat, and Dr. Anne Copeland’s entry in the Sage Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence, “Intercultural Intimate Relationships” is available via clicking the link at the bottom.

Leslie posed some great questions during the Culture Chat. Feel free to add your thoughts.

What are some “Dos” and “Don’ts” of intercultural love?

What is the biggest cultural difference between partners that you have experienced or observed in an intercultural relationship? In your opinion, was it navigated successfully? What was a critical factor contributing to either the relationship’s survival or breakup?

Imagine you are attracted to someone from a different country. What would be (up to) four essential questions you might ask that person to help you decide to pursue the relationship or not?

What are the potential rewards of intercultural love (some of the perks)?

Author picture

About us

The work of understanding others and helping others understand us is our mission. 

We design and deliver specialized cross-cultural training workshops, train and consult to professionals in the field, conduct research on the process of intercultural transition, produce publications to assist newcomers to the US.

The Interchange Institute is a not-for-profit research organization established in 1997 by Dr. Anne P. Copeland. The work of smoothing intercultural transitions has never been so critical.

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