Crossing Cultures with Competence – Level 2 (Online)


Trainers who have completed Crossing Cultures with Competence may enroll for our advanced seminar, delivered via webinar, to extend their learning, build their toolkit, and broaden their network even further.

Advanced Training of Trainers Program

Topics covered include:

  • Core Cultural Values: We will examine an extended range of cultural dimensions and review materials and case studies that help trainees apply the concepts to their daily lives.
  • Children and Spouses: We will review the major topics that should be included in any program for global families, preview activities to facilitate adjustment and cultural understanding in children, and highlight the challenges and opportunities facing accompanying spouses.
  • Activities to Explore Cultural Identity and Transitions: We will practice using tools and activities to help others explore their own cultural experience, in a range of work, school and coaching situations.
  • Participants will get a 25% discount off our training tool, Reflection Photos: Facilitating Intercultural Reflection with Visual Images (list $139).