Culture chat: Supporting the 21st century interculturalist

It was wonderful to see so many of you at Culture Chat and thank you for your congratulatory words in celebrating The Interchange Institute’s 25 years and Dr. Anne Copeland’s contributions to the field. We are grateful for such a supportive community and look forward to what the next 25 years will bring. We are pleased to publicly launch our two initiatives: The Interculturalist Circle and the Intercultural Training Expertise Certification (ITEC). Please see below for more details. We are also happy to share with you the executive summary for the Building and Nurturing Your Intercultural Career survey (attached) and the full report is available for purchase on our website (unless you’re an Interculturalist Circle member, then it’s free!).

Here is the link to the video for today’s Culture Chat session (all future recordings and supplemental materials will be available in the Interculturalist Circle for members only).

Want to learn more about Interculturalist Circle and Intercultural Training Expertise Certification? join our Q&A Session on March 16th at 10 am GMT/5 pm ICT or at 10 am EST/3 pm GMT.
Zoom Link:

Interculturalist Circle Link to become a Founding Member
Limited time offer (until March 21st, 2022): 14-month membership for the price of a 12-month membership $150.
Annual membership renewal date is based on date of purchase.

Intercultural Training Expertise Certification (ITEC) Link to Guide and Instructions
ITEC Guide (see attached)
Questions asked during Culture Chat:

  • Is there any credential for the certification with a university or other recognized agency? Or does it hope to become the IC credentialing agency?
    • The Interchange institute is the credentialing agency for the ITEC certification with support from hiring agencies and SIETAR USA.
  • Does having completed the Crossing Cultures with Competence (CCwC) workshop help as evidence in gaining the ITEC certification?
    • Yes, the CCwC, along with other train the trainer workshops, could serve as way to demonstrate expertise in various domain areas. See pages 5-12 for other suggestions.
  • What is the application fee?
    • $1200 for the certification, which includes applying for one specialty area. Additional specialty areas can be applied for, for a cost of $100 per specialty area (see page 14 of the ITEC Guide).
    • We are hoping to offer $150 discount to SIETAR USA members; contact us before paying if you are a SIETAR USA member.
  • How long is the validity of ITEC certification eg. is it for lifetime/renewed periodically?
    • This is a lifetime certification but additional specialty areas could be attained at a later date.
  • Who are on the judging panel for the ITEC?
    • ePortfolio evaluators are experienced trainers and specialty area experts who are responsible for insuring the integrity of the evaluation process. One or more evaluators assess each of the skill and knowledge domains and specialty area. Final scores are reviewed and approved by the ITEC Review Board.
  • Is English the only language mode for the e-portfolio?
    • If you have supporting materials in another language, please contact us for options.
  • If we are certified in an intercultural tool (like the IDI), does that count as evidence?
    • Yes. Any certifications or completion certificates you have would make excellent additions to your portfolio.
  • Please note: The ITEC is not a requirement for hiring, and hiring agencies may have requirements beyond those included in the ITEC (for example, intercultural living experience, masters degrees, years of experience). Rather, the ITEC is a way for interculturalists to signal their readiness to offer services efficiently and with transparency, confirmed by an independent non-profit organization, and for those who hire intercultural trainers to have increased confidence in their hiring, backed up by our certification.

Culture Chat
We look forward to our next Culture Chat, March 23rd, at 10 am EST (2 pm GMT/9 pm ICT) where Teratai will lead our discussion in, “Creating E-Learning with Bloom’s Taxonomy: The Intercultural Training Edition”.
(PLEASE CHECK THE TIMES as daylight savings is observed in some countries next week).
Time Zone Converter Link

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1 thought on “Culture chat: Supporting the 21st century interculturalist”

  1. MrsTashaArnold21

    Interculturalist Circle members, please get in touch if you’d like to co-lead a Culture Chat.

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About us

The work of understanding others and helping others understand us is our mission. 

We design and deliver specialized cross-cultural training workshops, train and consult to professionals in the field, conduct research on the process of intercultural transition, produce publications to assist newcomers to the US.

The Interchange Institute is a not-for-profit research organization established in 1997 by Dr. Anne P. Copeland. The work of smoothing intercultural transitions has never been so critical.

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